Indian Wild Ass

Indian Wild Ass

Indian wild ass, scientifically known as Equus hemionus khur, is a subspecies of the Asiatic wild ass. Quite similar in looks to the mule, it grows to a height of around 120 cm and length of about 260 cm. Indian wild ass is believed to be one of the fastest animals on earth, which attains the maximum speed of 50 km/h. It is usually found inhabiting saline desert, grassland in arid zone and shrub land. Wild ass of India is basically herbivorous and is seen grazing between the period of dawn and dusk. In the following lines, we have provided interesting facts about the Asiatic wild ass of India

Asiatic wild ass biology

The Asiatic wild ass eats grasses when available, but will browse on shrubs and trees at other times or in drier habitats (7). It has also been seen feeding on seed pods and breaking up woody vegetation with its hooves to get at more succulent herbs growing at the base of woody plants (6). During spring and summer in Mongolia, the succulent plants of the Zygophyllaceae family form an important component of the diet of the Mongolian wild ass (5). This subspecies is also known to eat snow in winter as a substitute for water (6). At other times when natural water points are unavailable, the Mongolian wild ass will dig holes in dry riverbeds to access sub-surface water. The water holes dug by the wild asses are often subsequently visited by domestic livestock, as well as other wild animals 


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